
GHS Torsdagsbar - tak for en hyggelig aften

English below

Endnu en fuldt booket torsdagsbar,  denne gang med temaet ’Petanque og Rosé’, blev en kæmpe succes.

I fantastisk vejr blev der hygget på terrassen og dystet i discipliner som petanque, minigolf, basketball og cornhole.

Maden og dekorationen var fransk, og Fanny fra HR gav os et lynkursus i franske traditioner og fun facts – bl.a. at croissanten stammer fra Østrig.

Stor tak til Jørn for at styre petanque-dysten.

Vi glæder os til vores næste torsdagsbar den 7. september


Venlig hilsen

Anne, Elsebeth, Jan og Kaj




GHS Thursday bar

Another fully booked Thursday bar, this time with the theme 'Petanque and Rosé', was a huge success.

In fantastic weather, people enjoyed themselves on the terrace and competed in disciplines such as petanque, mini golf, basketball and cornhole.

The food and decoration were French, and Fanny from HR gave us a crash course in French traditions and fun facts - including that the croissant originates from Austria...

Big thanks to Jørn for managing the petanque match.

We are looking forward to our next Thursday bar the 7th September



Anne, Elsebeth, Jan and Kaj