
Meet Anders Hofman – the first man to complete an Iron Man in Antarctica - Part of the GHS Health week

When: 29th  of October 2021 at 15.30-16.45 in the Grundfos Center Event Hall and Live Stream

Anders Hofman - The Iceman Project - a speak about setting no limits, achieving the impossible, and staying motivated

  • Limitations are perceptions of what we can achieve. Period.
  • Anders has devoted his life to this message. To inspire a movement of people and organisations that dare to push the boundaries of what we can do in our lives and in this world. As a part of spreading this message, Anders offers motivational speeches to help others ask themselves the difficult questions and start take action toward those big dreams and goals. Providing views on what it takes and whether it’s worth it. In 2020 Anders Hofman became the first person in the world to complete an Ironman on the continent of antarctica.
  • Honest. Personal. Raw.

Part of the GHS Health week 43 2021, sponsored by GHS and IDA

Sign up for the event, or livestream by mail to jwinther@grundfos.com

The event will be in English only.